Unfaithful Spouse Investigation – How to Tell If Your Spouse is Having an Affair

There is nothing more devastating to a marriage than marital infidelity. A private investigator can investigate and verify whether or not your spouse is cheating on you.


There are several warning signs that can signal infidelity. These include unexplained expenses, frequent cash withdrawals, and password-protecting personal devices. Emotional distance, secretive behavior, and sudden reluctance to communicate are also red flags.

Signs of Infidelity

There are a number of behaviors that can indicate that your spouse or partner is cheating. They may begin to hide their phone, password-protect their computer, and delete text messages. They may become secretive about their work schedule and take unexplained trips for business. They may wear new and different clothing that they haven’t worn before. They may begin exercising regularly and taking extra care of their appearance. They may also start buying lingerie and intimate apparel for someone else. If they start talking about kinky sex or other erotic activities, it could be a sign that they are looking for an affair.

They may also lie about spending time with friends and family to cover up their affair. They may also start lying by omission, avoiding sharing details about their day at work and omitting people and events from stories altogether. They may also say that they have to work late or travel for work more often.

If you suspect your partner is cheating, it’s important not to confront them until you have proof of infidelity. You should also avoid accusing them until you’ve investigated the situation thoroughly with the help of a professional investigator. An experienced Los Angeles private detective will know how to gather evidence in a discreet manner and can provide industry advice on how to move forward with this information.

Changes in Behavior

If you suspect your spouse is cheating, one of the most obvious indicators is a dramatic change in their behavior. This might include a sudden increase in secrecy, which can take the form of hiding passwords on their phone or computer, being unwilling to discuss details about their day or their plans with you, and more. This could also involve changes in their appearance, such as spending more time at the gym or wearing a new style of clothing.

In addition, if your spouse suddenly has an increased libido, or begins trying out different sexual techniques, this is another red flag. Similarly, if they are working longer hours, leaving the house earlier or later than usual, or getting a new work vehicle, these are all signs that something is up.

Many infidelity-related behaviors are often used as cover ups. Unfaithful partners often lie about their whereabouts, including the reason they are gone. They may also use work or social events as an excuse to leave the home, and they might be reluctant to share details about their day with you. They might also lie by omission, leaving out things that might embarrass or compromise them. For example, they might not mention their lunch date or an evening out with friends, even though these are activities that they enjoy doing alone.

Unexplained Expenses

When your spouse suddenly wants more sex, has unexplained bruises on their neck or back, is reluctant to kiss you, or gets irritated with your displays of affection, this could be a sign that they are involved with another person. If they are secretive about text messages or hiding passwords to their email accounts, these can also be signs that they are having an affair. Unexplained financial transactions, such as unexplained credit card or ATM withdrawals, can also be a red flag, especially when they are used to buying things for themselves but now are buying things for someone else.

Having a conversation with your spouse about your suspicions can be difficult, but it’s important to remain open and honest. Consider seeking counseling to help you navigate this difficult time in your relationship. Regardless of the investigation results, it is important to reflect on what led you to suspect infidelity and how you can move forward with improved communication and trust in your relationship.

It is legal to act as your own private investigator in many countries and states, including Maryland, so long as you don’t trespass or break any other laws (check with an attorney regarding what you can and cannot legally do). If your worst fears are confirmed, it is natural to feel anger, betrayal, sadness and confusion. You may also want to seek out support from family and friends or a mental health professional.

Emotional Distance

Emotional distance can be an early symptom of infidelity. If you feel your spouse is emotionally distant from you, it may be because they are worried about the consequences of confronting their infidelity. They may also be concerned about the impact of their actions on their family or their children.

When people are emotionally distanced, they will often become critical and dissatisfied with their partner. This can be very difficult to deal with, but it is important to remember that the person you are in a relationship with isn’t your enemy, and they have their own emotions to consider.

If you suspect that your significant other is cheating on you, it is important to remain calm and not accuse them until you have proof. Avoiding difficult conversations or hiding information from your PI will only serve to push them away and make it more difficult for you to obtain the evidence you need.

It is vital that you contact a professional private investigator like Gradoni & Associates as soon as possible when you suspect infidelity. We can help you gather the evidence necessary to take any further steps that you wish, including filing for divorce. Contact us today to schedule your confidential consultation. This will give us an opportunity to discuss your concerns, provide you with a clear overview of the investigation process, and share any evidence that you have already collected.