What You Should Know About Orthodontics

Orthodontics is a specialization of dentistry. This branch of medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malpositioned teeth, as well as the modification of facial growth and bite patterns. Many people seek orthodontic care because their teeth are severely misaligned. Another area of orthodontics is dentofacial orthopedics. 韓国歯科矯正 For more information about orthodontics, see About.com. There are many options available for treating this condition. This article will discuss a few of them.

Treatment options

If you have crooked teeth or a bad bite, you may want to consider treatment options for adult patients. Orthodontic care not only corrects these problems, but also promotes healthy dental growth and structure. For children, a dental expander can help your child’s teeth grow properly and minimize their need for orthodontics later on. Listed below are some common treatment options for adults. Read on to learn more about these treatments.

One of the most common forms of orthodontic treatment involves wearing clear trays designed by an orthodontist. Each tray is custom-made and designed to gradually move your teeth into position. Patients generally change trays every two weeks, and you should wear them for 22 hours a day. You should only remove them for eating and brushing, but otherwise you should be able to eat and drink as normal. Treatment time varies, but most people finish their treatment within a year or two.

Complications of orthodontic treatment

Complications of orthodontic treatment are common, and they may arise from a variety of factors. Some are caused by biofilm-related diseases, while others are related to the retention of teeth in new positions. If these complications are high enough, however, they may be cause for reconsidering orthodontic treatment. In this case, an alternative type of treatment is required to avoid foreseeable or unintended harm. However, it is essential to be aware of the risks and potential consequences of orthodontic treatment.

Aside from causing damage to the teeth, orthodontic treatment can also cause harm to supporting tissues. Some of these issues are decalcification of the teeth, gum inflammation, and pulp damage. In addition, orthodontic treatments can cause a variety of allergic reactions. They can also cause craniomandibular dysfunction. These complications are often not permanent and can occur at any time during orthodontic treatment. This is why the treatment should be discussed in full before beginning.

Common appliances used in orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic appliances are designed to straighten teeth, enhance jaw growth, and correct jaw imbalances. Each appliance is designed for a different patient, but most are used as part of interceptive orthodontic treatment. This type of treatment begins before a child’s baby teeth fall out, which prepares the mouth for less extensive orthodontic treatment as the child approaches tween or adolescence. There are many types of appliances to choose from, and each one will have a unique function.

Lower holding arch – This appliance is typically worn between the lower and upper molars for 12-18 months. It can help prevent extensive orthodontic treatment by creating more space for the permanent teeth to grow in. The appliance is usually worn between 12 and 18 months and should not cause pain. In addition, a lower holding arch should not cause undue discomfort. Depending on the severity of the condition, a child may not need this appliance.

Cost of orthodontic treatment

Getting braces can be expensive, but there are many ways to get them at a discount. Many health insurance plans have flexible spending accounts that you can use to pay for medical expenses. Your employer may also contribute to an FSA. To use the account, you must submit documentation proving that you had the medical expense. Once you do this, you will be reimbursed for the cost. However, FSA funds are limited to $2,750 per year per employer, and you must use them within the same calendar year.

Dental insurance is a good option for many people. It can cover 50 percent of the cost of orthodontic treatment. However, you may have to pay a co-pay. Also, your policy may only cover a certain percentage of your orthodontic costs. And if you do not have dental insurance, you may have to make other arrangements to cover the remaining cost. In these cases, it is important to ask your insurance company about coverage, as some plans only cover a portion of the costs of your treatment.